The Mysteries of Wymering Manor

Wymering Manor in Portsmouth is one of Hampshire’s oldest and allegedly, most haunted houses. From the outside it presents a bit of a sorry state and its exterior belies its ancient past but it is a house full on intrigue and mystery.

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Hyde Winchester

King Alfred the Great final resting place

King Alfred the Great and Hyde Abbey in Winchester are synonymous with each other but what was Hyde and why was King Alfred buried there?

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Family Names of The United Kingdom

A publicly accessible online database of surnames will be available in 2014 thanks to a great project being developed at the University of the West of England The study of the origins of surnames has largely been the preserve of those who study genealogy but like place names, they are an intriguing link back to…

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The Silchester Project

The Silchester Project

The Silchester Project is an archaeological project undertaken by the University of Reading into the Roman town of Calleva Atrebatum in Hampshire. Visit to see the best preserved Roman town walls in Britain.

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Old Blue Boar Inn Winchester

The Old Blue Boar Inn in Winchester is over six hundred years old built just before the Black Death visited Hampshire with such devastating results We are blessed in Hampshire with a wealth of ancient buildings, Saxon and Norman churches, Medieval houses, Tudor cottages, the list is endless but sometimes the very survival of a…

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St Mary’s Church Avington

St Mary's Church Avington

St Mary’s Church Avington is a wonderful example of a virtually untouched, Georgian church. With wonderful box pews and beautiful barrel ceiling. The memorial to Lady Carnarvon is particularly interesting.

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Eling Tide Mill

Eling Toll House

Eling tidal mill is a rare mill, not just in Britain but in the world. There has been a mill on the site for at least a thousand years, the present building dates from about the 1780’s. It still mills flour and is set in the lovely area of Eling Quay.

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St Mary’s Church Eling

St Mary's church Eling Hampshire

St Mary’s church Eling, has been in existence since Anglo Saxon times and sits above the Eling Tide Mill and Eling Quay. It contains a Titanic memorial to three parishioners who lost their lives in the disaster.

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St Mary the Virgin Old Alresford

St Mary the Virgin Old Alresford

The church of St Mary the Virgin Old Alresford Hampshire was built in the C18th next to the house where Nelson’s Admiral Rodney lived and where Mary Sumner, founder of the Mother’s Union was the rector’s wife.

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St Mary the Virgin Abbotts Ann

Churchyard St Mary the Virgin Abbotts Ann

The church of St Mary the Virgin Abbotts Ann, is virtually unaltered since being built in 1716. The wonderful interior with its wooden Tuscan columns exudes early Georgian design. The church also contains the unusual Virgin’s Crowns.

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Robert Owen Pioneering Socialist

Robert Owen and Harmony Hall

Robert Owen was a pioneering socialist, who brought his ideas of Utopian living to the Hampshire countryside by building Harmony Hall near East Tytherley. Little remains now of the Hall, it was burnt down in the C20th but Robert Owen’s socialist ideas live on.

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The Andover Workhouse

The Andover Workhouse

The Andover workhouse scandal brought about the demise of the Poor Law Commission, set up in the 1830’s to find a solution to the growing number of por and destitute people in England.

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Tournai Font St Mary Bourne

Tournai fonts Hampshire

The Tournai font St Mary Bourne Hampshire, is one of four Tournai black marble fonts to be found in Hampshire and wonderfully carved with symbols

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