Hampshire Names
We make no claims to be a family history resource for Hampshire names but as we gather data we obviously come across many family names. We wanted to share these names with you so as part of an ongoing project we are capturing names by location, date and source. A simple list which we hope will be of some interest to old name researchers.
We are often asked for help from family historians and on our travels around the county if we spot a name that has been identified being of interest we let people know. We collect names from churches, memorials, ephemera of all sorts.
We begin by sharing a simple table with you which will eventually become part of our newly built database.
There are surnames that have a Hampshire place name at their root and we are particularly interested in these. We are also investigating name clusters in Hampshire.
Linguistics and the root of English names are complex, a useful starting resource for research is the BBC family history site. Do you have a surname in your family tree that you think has a long link with Hampshire? Contact us and let's see if we can all help each other.