Finding Resources For Hampshire History
Hampshire History Resources Guide and Online Library
In 2020 we will be introducing a new and improved Hampshire History Resources Guide, currently circa 500 entries and growing.
We are improving our technology with a view to making available more data and interactive content on Hampshire History. It is all part of a work in progress and here we are looking to reference a wide variety of resources not just on Hampshire overall but as specific as the place names in our Hampshire History Gazetteer, Historic Periods, Family Names, Posts and Data Projects. This is a BETA release so we welcome feedback and additions. We will provide a form so you can make suggestions which we can then curate and add, as appropriate.
We get many requests for help with peoples Hampshire research projects. We know how tricky it can be to track down information and so have started to collate information from a variety of sources to help you. Often the best source of information can be found locally and amateur historians love to help others. We have found as many local historical groups, museums and archives as possible. Search by place name or for a wider resource, type Hampshire into the search. Obviously there will be much more to add so If you know of a resource we have missed just let us know and we can add it.
Eventually this will be added to our new Hampshire Gazeteer.

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